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Artothèque Sud exhibitions


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Between September 2022 and January 2023, the photographic artist KARINE GRANGER, realized a series of 40 individual and collective photographic portraits of the residents and the nursing staff of two nursing houses (EPHAD) of the city center of Nîmes: Le Quai de la Fontaine and Les Terrasses de la rue de Sauve.

This photographic exhibition reveals to the greatest number these moments of existence too often ignored to invite the public to look differently at a universe rich in stories, exchanges and life (s) quite simply.

Produced in collaboration with all the participants, it distances itself from any medical aspect to keep only the lived experience.

This meeting between the artist photographer Karine Granger, the cultural association Artothèque Sud and the Maison de Santé Protestante is a project supported by the DRAC Occitanie and the ARS Occitanie within the framework of the Culture-Handicap & Dépendance scheme.


Emanata* Œuvres d'art imprimé
Explication du projet Emanata*

*Emanata: symbolic signs (speed strokes, sweat droplets, spiral of dizziness or madness, etc.) "emanating" from a character to show emotion or movement.
character to manifest an emotion or a movement.

Entrusted to comic book authors and illustrators, the Emanata* print art commission of printed art works Emanata* underlines the links between comics and with the visual arts in contemporary creation.

These 12 original creations in the form of prints also testify to the meeting and exchange of know-how between artists and art craftsmen, who are both transmitters of images and imaginary.

In terms of drawing art, Emanata means symbolic signs around a character or a situation to make understand a displacement, a mood, a tone of context. These symbolic signs emanating from characters are often essential to characterize what the artist wants to transmit to us! What to do to open a curious eye on these signs within the framework of this original creation.

Emanata* joined in 2021 the collections of Artothèque Sud, an association from Nîmes which proposes for more than 30 years the hiring of works and promotes the sharing of Citizen Art.
This endowment is exhibited for the second edition of the festival Nîmes s'illustre within the framework of a more global partnership.
within the framework of a more global partnership between Nîmes s'illustre and Arthothèque Sud.

Stéphane Blanquet, Clément Charbonnier Bouet, Jérôme Dubois, Philippe Dupuy, Camille Lavaud, Loulou Picasso, Gabrielle Manglou, Amandine Meyer, Lisa Mouchet, Saehan Parc, Pierre La Police, Sammy Stein

Emanata* was initiated by the Ministry of Culture as part of "BD 2020, the year of the comic strip".
year of the comic strip", this order of prints, carried by the Centre national des arts plastiques
(Cnap) in partnership with the Association de développement et de recherche sur les artothèques
(Adra) and the Cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l'image in Angoulême.

Thanks to ADRA, to the teams of Mediathek of Carré d'Art-Jean Bousquet, of
Marc Bernard's Library and to Théo et Vincent framing workshop


Exposition Nîmes Métropole "Reg'Arts Croisés" Portraits d'atelier. Du 2 juillet au 3 septembre 2021

Nîmes Métropole and Artothèque Sud propose to the public from July 2 to September 3, 2021, an exhibition entitled Reg'Arts Croisés : Portraits d'atelier, in the heart of the Colisée 3 showroom, in the premises of Nîmes Métropole.
It will present in three series of photographic portraits the creative work carried out by the employees in integration of the Artothèque Sud.

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